Warwickshire Police raise awareness of e-scooter legislation

Warwickshire Police is raising awareness of the law on privately owned e-scooters – amid concerns over their illegal use on public roads, cycle lanes and pavements.
Under Government regulations, e-scooters are classed as ‘powered transporters’ – a term used to cover a variety of novel and emerging personal transport devices which are powered by a motor. This means anyone who uses a privately owned e-scooter on a public road or other prohibited space is committing a criminal offence and can be prosecuted.
Between 29 March and 1 April, Warwickshire Police stopped and spoke to 14 e-scooter riders. Warwickshire Police says those stopped, who were mostly teenagers, were taken home, where the legislation around e-scooters was explained to them and their parents or guardian. Their names and e-scooter details were also recorded.
The force adds the initiative follows an increase in complaints from the public, who have expressed safety concerns around the speed e-scooters are travelling and the legality of their usage.