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We’re right behind Cynnig Cymraeg Week


UKROEd is delighted to be supporting the Cynnig Cymraeg week. This provides an opportunity for organisations like ours to celebrate the recognition we have received by the Welsh Language Commissioner’s office for the work we have done to support Welsh language initiatives and plans.

UKROEd were proud to support the Welsh National Eisteddfod in 2023, a special event that’s much more bilingual and inclusive than in the past. The event has also shown itself to be an excellent platform for the sharing of our road safety messages and our commitment to saving lives on the roads. A substantial article in the event brochure explained more about how much work we do to make the Welsh language as inclusive as the English language regarding driver courses.

Daily tweets took place between 5th August through to the 12th August with key road safety messages. Social media played a key role in showcasing what we do, our Cynnig Cymraeg-Welsh language offer and our aspirations around the Welsh language services and priorities.

A number of people said they had been on a Welsh-language NDORS course recently and thought it was really good, well pitched and easy to understand. Their feedback indicated that the trainers delivering the courses were excellent.

The Welsh language IAG working group established under the leadership of UKROEd works in partnership with Welsh Police Forces and course providers.

We have the ability to deal with any complaints specific to Welsh language matters bilingually. We have been able to deal with several enquiries over Welsh language issues during 2023/24 and these were resolved quickly and effectively.

It was particularly pleasing to see that our commitment to the Welsh language was formally recognised at the annual UKROEd conference in Manchester when Alan Jones and Iestyn Davies received this year’s award for “Outstanding contribution to diversity and inclusion”.

During the last week we have held annual performance reviews with our two largest course providers in Wales.  The Welsh language featured prominently in the agenda for those meetings, and it was wonderful to hear of the outstanding work our partners and doing to provide and excellent service through the medium of Welsh to clients.

We are pleased to announce that we have been able to complete the action plan agreed with the Welsh Language Commissioner’s office regarding our continued commitment towards the Welsh language.

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